“Inappropirate comments” in a nutshell


Recently, I was browsing through the internet when I stumbled upon a video that has gone viral. For the convenience of the parties involved, I won’t get into details about the context of the video, but it was mainly about Ethiopian teenagers doing things that are considered as “Western culture”. Even though, I myself was not supportive of some of their actions the rather hateful and at moments vulgar comments on the said video has shocked me to the core. From the usual “Lets blame the western society” to a more disturbing comment suggesting physical abuse and violence as a punishment method, to mild insults and name callings, most people tried to contribute to the comment chain of this “disgraceful” video.

So, while reading those infuriating and at times amusing comments, I was forced to swallow some of my opinions in order to avoid an unwanted discussion in inappropriate platform. However, I don’t want to ignore my ideas and I want to hear the opinion of various people on such matters. That is why I am trying to generalize the comments and give my opinion on some. Since the development of social media, trends like this are more observable so any opinions from the readers are valued.

Comment 1: “This is the result of western culture”

When are we going to stop blaming westerns for everything that has gone askew in this world? Since said “western culture” is prominent in almost every country around the globe,the best solution is to accept it and alter it to a more fitting way in respective to the society. Lets face it, if some part of our society areĀ fleeing from it, while the youth is attracted to it like a moth to a flame, it will only create a cultural clash and a disrupt in the dynamic of the society. So let’s stop pointing fingers and own up to our own actions.

Comment 2: “Don’t you have parents?”

This statment is so wrong in so many levels. I once remember a student that had gone into a fit of hysteria when a teacher directed this question to her. Unfortunately, she had lost her parents in a tragic accident. Other than incidents like this, I beieve that it is a way of stereotyping people’s decency based on their parental and home status. It is obvious that parents play a major role in shaping their chidren’s personality but that is not always applicable. Other factors can also contribute (i.e including you) to a personality of an individual. So, please lose that line!

Comment 3: “Bunch of idiots, stupids and other unmentionable words” followed by “They think they are civilized?”

Reality check is needed on this one. Calling others names doen’t make us civilized either. We think something is not right? Their is a civilized way of addressing such problems and that is discussion. Present your ideas sans the insults and you can make a difference. If you are referring to others’ ideas and behaviors as stupid with no plausible explanation, in time they will start ignoring any feedbacks whether it is right or wrong, and instead of creating a change you will be setting an example of emotional bullying. On the end of the day the blamed ones will have single perspective and their is no one to blame but the people that approach any arguments with insults in the tip of their tongues. So, quit the name callings!

Comment 4: Suggestions of phsical violence as a form of punishment

Seriously? This is one major problem that is observed in many places. You apply physical punishment on children from an early age and you expected to gain respect as they grow up? Well, dream on. Suggesting a smack here and a slap there won’t improve people and their behavior, it will only prove the low mentality of the one suggesting it. You are worried about chaos around the world? Well, violence begins from that seemingly inane but hateful comment on the social media so lets change our approach to a more positive version. Lets drop the “Slap them!” comments once and for all.

Comment 5: “This is not our culture!”

Well, culture can be adapted and these days this statment can’t be truer. First, we should accept that. However, as an Ethiopian, I belive we have our own amazing cultures that should be adhered, but before we start pointing fingers on the others we should all ask ourselves about our contributions in keeping the said culture intact. If we are still treating people who chose to use Amharic as illiterate and treat people who use English on a daily basis as Harvard Grads, if we are still criticizing over every Ethiopian art but fawning over every thing that screams “USA made”…then we need to redirect that statment to ourselves again. Lets just leave the double standards to the other parties.

So these are the “Inappropirate comments” in a nutshell. If we want a change to occur lets avoid the negative remarks and focus on taking actions and being an example for those around us. Lastly, lets drop the term “Neutral” when it comes to important issues. Being neutral never benefits the victim so have your own side and sometimes let teenagers be teenagers. Ciao!