Category Archives: pondering issues

Thoughts on Lineage, Women and “Feminocide”

“You are the reason that my name was mentioned in front of hundreds of people” my dad used to say, his face beaming with pride, his hand patting my shoulder with affection, referring to the moment where I took an award in front of a whole school. That was the phrase that he uses in every Parent’s Day, in every award or achievement ceremony or whenever I stand in front of an audience. Being the “Daddy’s girl” that I am, I never divulged into the phrase or think further into that statement because I was content in making my dad proud.

However, at one particular Parent’s Day my whole perception changed rather dramatically. Well, you see, on that day my dad was not present for a reason that I could not recall and it was just my Mom that was attending the event. I was awarded two times for different achievements and the way my Mom was looking at that moment will forever be ingrained in my mind. She was utterly proud and her warm eyes were full of tears and that was when it hit me that in spite of my achievements I was never a reason for my mom’s name to be mentioned in front of hundreds of people. Of course, some people knew her by face and knew that she was my mother and few have heard her name mentioned now and then but just because my last name was my father’s name instead of hers my achievements were mainly traced to him rather than her.

At that moment, this realization was saddening. I mean don’t get me wrong here, I love my Dad with everything that I am and I can surely say that personality wise I am more like him. He influenced me to a greater extent and he is my hero but my mom is my idol. She is the person who I aspired to be, she is the person who taught me strength and bravery, she is the person who taught me soft spoken words are much stronger than an unwanted dominance. I am sure this case doesn’t apply for my mother only but for most of the mothers out there, for the moms who manage a household far better than any CEO and still work 8/5 in an office, for the moms who woke up before any household member to prepare the things that we need to learn or work or function in the awaiting day, for the moms who try to help us in our home works while they are cooking dinner even if there education status is way different than ours, for the moms who sacrifices their every being so that we can be successful in our lives. So the main question here is why aren’t they acknowledged like the fathers for their children’s success? Why are they left in the background?

The same can be said about our family tree, if we can call it family with just the male side being represented that is. We can trace our linage for generations but no mothers, grandmothers, great grandmothers or daughters exist. The more a generation passes by the more the female name will disappear from record, history and paper. For a female to be recognized she should be the one doing the deed, she should be the one doing the achievement however a male can take a partial credit of his children’s fruition just because of a namesake. What is whimsical about this is the fact that the world has tried to confine women in the household, in child bearing and rearing for centuries and in a way a well-mannered child was the fruit of the woman’s lifelong work but the same world has refused to acknowledge her effort and chose to bestow just the father’s name on the children.

In her essay “Grandmother Spider”, Rebecca Solnit speaks about a similar matter. “Thus coherence-of patriarchy, of ancestry, of narrative-is made by erasure and exclusion.” she says, referring to the way how history or lineage in general erase the women of a generation. “Eliminate your mother, then your two grandmothers, then your four great grandmother.” she continues. “Go back more generations and hundreds, then thousands disappear. Mothers vanish, and the mothers and fathers of those mothers. Ever more lives disappear as if unlived until you have narrowed a forest down to a tree, a web down to a line. This is what it takes to construct of blood or influence or meaning.” And her words echo my constant thoughts. What we have been doing throughout history in a way was a “feminocide.”

The why for this action is not fully answered in my feeble mind but all I can say for sure is the patriarchal society that we most exist in, our constant need of being generic and our fear of change is the reason that we still use this system. So why not acknowledge the women who has influenced our lives, why not call their name out loud in stage and on public? Because, now that I think of it, I would be more satisfied if I was Iman Misra Abdulkadir.


Utopia of the female

From Mary Wollstonecraft to Clara Zetkin to Anais NIn to Malala Yousafzai women all over the globe have been demanding for their rights and equality, to be acknowledged and respected, to be treated as a counterpart and as a human for centuries
Sadly, in our modern 21st century world the struggle is as real as it was in the time of Wollstonecraft. Of course, most democratic rights like voting, having “equal” work opportunities and payments…. have been respected to some extent compared to those days but the most basic human rights are still being suppressed in most parts of the world. 
This reality is utterly heartbreaking. The fact that a human being should fight for millennia for something as basic as existing, as having power on one’s own body, as respect. I don’t know if we could ever break this vicious cycle, if we could ever be able to say “I have a total control over my own body, mind and psyche and no one can dominate me in not doing so’, if we could ever see a rape rate or domestic violence rate of 0. 
Because even though I was born in a world where one in every five women is assaulted and where hearing rape and death is a norm I want a better future for the next generation. I want a world where parents won’t panic when their little girl is 5 minutes late, I want a world where a woman is not on a high alert 24/7 like a spy from the MI6 just because some portion of the other gender decided to act like a prey, I want a world where women don’t need pen names for their work to be published or where a girl won’t be shot for advocating education equality. I just want a world that is women friendly. 

Numbers, Names, Places, Cases and Excuses: Abstarct concepts overshadowing assault


In these fragile moments my hope on humanity teeters. Every year you see new data, new names, new numbers, new places, new slogans and new excuses. “120 million girls are raped worldwide every day and 70% assaulted at least once in their life.” the statistics will probably say. Our imbecile minds at this moment will just see the numbers as something inane, the percentage as something fathomable. We never try to understand how colossal that number is, how the percentage tells you a story that your little sister, mother, wife or daughter couldn’t utter, how in the most likeliness your beloved one is in one of that category. 
Every year you see new data, new names, new numbers, new places, new slogans and new excuses. The names are nothing but echoes of abstract concepts in our minds. Last year it was Hanna or Beckett Brenan or the Nepali woman which we couldn’t even bother to learn the name of. Decades before that it was maybe Elizabeth Pena and Jennifer Ertman or just maybe that broken girl from the village with no one to confide to and this year it was Selome and other faceless, countless women out there. We dismiss their names the same way we dismiss the names of characters from books we finish or from movies that we watched….without giving it a second thought. If we had known a friend, an acquaintance, a colleague or a relative we might have been more alert. Is our humanity only stimulated by the memories we have or our personal gains? 
Every year you see new data, new names, new numbers, new places, new slogans and new excuses. We will be sitting around a table, thinking we are deep while in reality we are shallow, striking a conversation about the new rape or assault case on the news with the indifference of someone….that is talking about football or fashion week, no scratch that because even these truly inane topics elicit stronger reaction and enthusiasm than our own species being molested. “Have you heard about the Vanderbilt case or the Rohtak Gang-rape?” we will say and while some shake their head in disgust and other weep their single tears one might make a crude joke and we will just move on.
Every year you see new data, new names, new numbers, new places, new slogans and new excuses. From “Save girls, educate girls” to “Together we can fend sexual assault!” whenever a case appears new slogans will be the trend. We hashtag and tweet and post and like and share. We do that in a non-ending cycle till we start believing the cases are as real as our fake cyber world. We read the slogans but never bothered to teach a single letter to the girl next door in need of a tutor. We never bother in telling a man to shut up and mind his own business when he “hollers” his rude words at a passerby. 
Every year you see new data, new names, new numbers, new places, new slogans and new excuses. “These Hollywood movies and the inappropriate concepts on the internet” are our hackneyed responses for our distort mentality. We praise “celebrities” who portray women as a play toy and see no wrong in their messed up life style. We think virtue and respect are old school and then back track to Hollywood and western influence and at times evolution and ethology to reason our animalistic behavior. We are busy explaining dress codes that we forgot about our leering eyes.
So yeah all around us people are being killed, assaulted and manipulated. Data, numbers, names and places will keep on popping out to no avail. How come we end up in this deterioration of morality? How come we treat a complete debauchery as something normal? How come we require a day to day reminder and still feel nothing?…/ending-violence-…/facts-and-figures…/7-men-arrested-for-nirbhaya-like-gang…

To kill the Unicorn


The chimes tinkled at her presence
she was of purity and innocence
veiled by a shawl, white as a snow
with her essence the realm glow
The he appears, the dark demon
with his venom deeply hidden
though the feigned light paints him solar
so she fell for him, the true lunar
Sardonic, isn’t it??
He charmed her to his darken cave
and creates a shell of her ones true self
His venom blackens her virgin soul
through his doing she became cruel
all that was left was a single horn
that was how he kill the unicorn.
Iman. A
(Art Work: Florian Nicolle aka Neo)

As reality hits


I found myself in a kaleidoscopic dream
An ever changing world, once colorful and once bleak
And when I wake 
I was a wreck 
I found myself in a nightmare
I saw the ray reflecting from the edge of a blade
As they were slayed
My own heart bled
I found myself in an illusion
A perfect world with laughing faces and happy children
Clear blue sky 
A shining Sun 
As their euphoria drain
I felt the pain
I found myself in a phantasm
I saw various shapes lingering in the shadow
One stood tall 
The rest they bow 
As their tear flow
I felt hollow
I then open my eyes
My dream, my nightmare, my illusion and phantasm might wreck me, but my reality is the true horror. My reality is the one that ruins me….
I am living in a reality where we hide beneath the facade of being a human
I am living in a reality where the truth is clandestine
I am living in a reality where people change skins like a chameleon
I am living in a reality where we own hearts that are hollow
I am living in a reality with deep problems but a mind shallow
I am living in a reality where we destroy a universe by killing a soul
I am living in a reality where monsters are the new idol
I am living in a reality where humanity is a facade
I am living a reality where emotions are feigned
I am living in a reality where the majority is a docile meek
I am living in a reality where even the day is dark and bleak.
~Iman A
(Illustration: Sarah Louette -Dark dock water ocean

“Inappropirate comments” in a nutshell


Recently, I was browsing through the internet when I stumbled upon a video that has gone viral. For the convenience of the parties involved, I won’t get into details about the context of the video, but it was mainly about Ethiopian teenagers doing things that are considered as “Western culture”. Even though, I myself was not supportive of some of their actions the rather hateful and at moments vulgar comments on the said video has shocked me to the core. From the usual “Lets blame the western society” to a more disturbing comment suggesting physical abuse and violence as a punishment method, to mild insults and name callings, most people tried to contribute to the comment chain of this “disgraceful” video.

So, while reading those infuriating and at times amusing comments, I was forced to swallow some of my opinions in order to avoid an unwanted discussion in inappropriate platform. However, I don’t want to ignore my ideas and I want to hear the opinion of various people on such matters. That is why I am trying to generalize the comments and give my opinion on some. Since the development of social media, trends like this are more observable so any opinions from the readers are valued.

Comment 1: “This is the result of western culture”

When are we going to stop blaming westerns for everything that has gone askew in this world? Since said “western culture” is prominent in almost every country around the globe,the best solution is to accept it and alter it to a more fitting way in respective to the society. Lets face it, if some part of our society are fleeing from it, while the youth is attracted to it like a moth to a flame, it will only create a cultural clash and a disrupt in the dynamic of the society. So let’s stop pointing fingers and own up to our own actions.

Comment 2: “Don’t you have parents?”

This statment is so wrong in so many levels. I once remember a student that had gone into a fit of hysteria when a teacher directed this question to her. Unfortunately, she had lost her parents in a tragic accident. Other than incidents like this, I beieve that it is a way of stereotyping people’s decency based on their parental and home status. It is obvious that parents play a major role in shaping their chidren’s personality but that is not always applicable. Other factors can also contribute (i.e including you) to a personality of an individual. So, please lose that line!

Comment 3: “Bunch of idiots, stupids and other unmentionable words” followed by “They think they are civilized?”

Reality check is needed on this one. Calling others names doen’t make us civilized either. We think something is not right? Their is a civilized way of addressing such problems and that is discussion. Present your ideas sans the insults and you can make a difference. If you are referring to others’ ideas and behaviors as stupid with no plausible explanation, in time they will start ignoring any feedbacks whether it is right or wrong, and instead of creating a change you will be setting an example of emotional bullying. On the end of the day the blamed ones will have single perspective and their is no one to blame but the people that approach any arguments with insults in the tip of their tongues. So, quit the name callings!

Comment 4: Suggestions of phsical violence as a form of punishment

Seriously? This is one major problem that is observed in many places. You apply physical punishment on children from an early age and you expected to gain respect as they grow up? Well, dream on. Suggesting a smack here and a slap there won’t improve people and their behavior, it will only prove the low mentality of the one suggesting it. You are worried about chaos around the world? Well, violence begins from that seemingly inane but hateful comment on the social media so lets change our approach to a more positive version. Lets drop the “Slap them!” comments once and for all.

Comment 5: “This is not our culture!”

Well, culture can be adapted and these days this statment can’t be truer. First, we should accept that. However, as an Ethiopian, I belive we have our own amazing cultures that should be adhered, but before we start pointing fingers on the others we should all ask ourselves about our contributions in keeping the said culture intact. If we are still treating people who chose to use Amharic as illiterate and treat people who use English on a daily basis as Harvard Grads, if we are still criticizing over every Ethiopian art but fawning over every thing that screams “USA made”…then we need to redirect that statment to ourselves again. Lets just leave the double standards to the other parties.

So these are the “Inappropirate comments” in a nutshell. If we want a change to occur lets avoid the negative remarks and focus on taking actions and being an example for those around us. Lastly, lets drop the term “Neutral” when it comes to important issues. Being neutral never benefits the victim so have your own side and sometimes let teenagers be teenagers. Ciao!

A firefly in a jar

Alight and blazing…I swirl and twirl
Luminescent…through the darkness I illuminate
My light was an iota compared to those magnificent celestial bodies, believe me I know, but my potential was dynamic and my dreams were colossal. I was young and strong; on the verge of changing, altering and transforming my world. I was also beautiful, breathtakingly so. You know that innocence beauty of youth? Pure heart but mischievous eyes? Full of life, full of light, full of laughter and full of love. I was gracious, slender and precious but precious isn’t fragile, neither is slender breakable.
Alight and blazing…I swirl and twirl
Luminescent…through the darkness I illuminate
“Oh, you see that beautiful creature? It seems fragile. It needs a keeper.”
“Oh my! It illuminates, we shall trap it to admire it!”
Alight and blazing…I swir…..
Imprisoned in midair
Fishnets made of yarns, yarns made of societal beliefs
From fishnets to glass cases
“I am suffocated! I need an out!” I start fighting, screaming, trying to break free, but multiple pair of eyes are staring at me without seeing me. They think they can see my beauty and my light, but can they see the inferno inside of me? Burning me slowly? Searching for an out till it burns out? After all dreams do turn to dust.
In my dreams I am a bright star
In reality a single firefly in a jar